Acknowledging and embracing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students and staff, their cultures and beliefs is an important aspect of Flinders University’s reconciliation journey.

One of the tangible ways Flinders are doing this is through the creation of a meeting place.

In consultation with Kaurna Elders and the community more broadly, an area next to the Yunggorendi Mande building (where academic and pastoral support is provided to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students) is being transformed to provide a meeting place for students and the broader University community to come together.

Almost completed, it will be an important place for meetings, celebrations, sharing, grieving and ceremonies.

It tells Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff and students that the University is committed to respecting Indigenous ways of knowing, being and doing, and in turn will help attract Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander students and staff. It also makes a statement to the wider community about the importance of inclusivity and cultural respect.


Flinders is currently working on student and staff engagement, which includes inviting people to take part in planting 100 bush tucker plants to activate the space, ahead of the launch of a wadli (traditional shelter).

To know more about initiatives for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people at Flinders, see the University’s Athena Swan Bronze action plan.